My vacation trip was a LOT longer than I realized it would be. We left Eureka, California near the end of April and did not get back home until the first week of June. During that six weeks we drove all the way from Eureka to North Carolina.
As I was approaching Ohio, somebody kept adding more states between me and my destination! I thought that Nebraska was nearly to Ohio, but NO!! After Nebraska we had to drive through Iowa, Illinois and Indiana BEFORE we got to Ohio.
The scenery was extremely beautiful. From Iowa on east, the grass was so green and verdant, and the trees were a wonderful color of living green. It made me wish I lived in one of those states. But.... the weather was a LOT hotter than it is in cool Eureka.
My wife bought a squirt bottle and kept misting us to keep us cool. In fact, I went into a bathroom and soaked my t-shirt one day just to help keep cool. I got sunburned on my left arm through the open window.
We had three people in the car: my wife, a little old lady of 91 years old, and me. I got to do all the driving. As I drove the thousands of miles across the United States, I thought about those intrepid pioneers that traversed the same trail about 100 years ago in covered wagons. All I can say is that I am so glad I wasn't born 100 years ago. I never would have survived the trip!! Those people must have been cut from a different cloth than I am. I don't know how any of them survived the whole trip!! And in covered wagons no less!!
I got so tired of driving in a car. I can't even imagine how tired those people must have got walking the whole way!! Wow--The United States is BIG!!! Driving through some of those states like Nevada, Utah, Indiana where there was hundreds of square miles of NOTHING!! Oh there was evidence that people had been there, but NO houses for miles and miles and miles. Population explosion??? What population explosion? There are whole states with almost nobody in them!!
Iowa has done something really cool. In all their rest stops, they have provided FREE wireless internet connections!! I wish all the other states would take the hint and do the same thing. It was really neat driving up to a rest stop and getting out the laptop and making a motel reservation.