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Saturday, October 25, 2008
Friday, October 24, 2008
Everlasting Love
Expect love, love, and more love...."
“ Yes, I have loved you with an everlasting love;
Therefore with lovingkindness I have drawn you."
David A. Youngs
The beloved Apostle John could not even hardly believe how much God loves us. He simply says in effect: "Look at how much God the Father loves us--He calls us His children!!"
You can read it for yourself in 1 John 3.
1 John 31How great is the love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are! The reason the world does not know us is that it did not know him. 2Dear friends, now we are children of God, and what we will be has not yet been made known. But we know that when he appears,[a]we shall be like him, for we shall see him as he is.
When we think about this, it is utterly almost beyond comprehension. The creator of the universe, of everything in the far flung realms of outer space, has selected us, we little humans and decided that we should be His children. And this is after sin. Sin in which Adam totally disobeyed God, and obeyed the suggestion of the serpent through whom Satan was speaking.
Children of God... Who is the most powerful person on earth you can think of? Maybe President George W. Bush who is president of the United States of America. Perhaps he is the most powerful man in the world. Just for the sake of illustration, suppose he said, "David Youngs--from now on, you will be called my son. You will be my child." Suppose President George W. Bush told everyone, "David is now my son." How would people treat me?
They would give me respect and honor, because I am the son of the President of the United States of America.
But even though he is very powerful and important, George W. Bush is still just a human.
We have GOD saying, "from now on, David Youngs is my son. I want everyone to know, he is my son." Can you imagine how people would treat me if they really believed that God was my father? Wow!!
What an incredible privilege. It is not something I deserve or you deserve. Why does God say, "from now on, when you see these people, I want you to know they are now my children?"
If you read the verse, John is saying, "What manner of LOVE is this?" It is because He loves us that God calls us His children.
How much do parents love their children. Some parents (the good ones) love their children so much that they would even die for their children if it would make it so their children could live.
And that is what God did. He gave His real son Jesus to die so that we can live. What kind of love is this? It is so far beyond anything I can understand.
All I know is that I really like it. God says, "David, you are my son." And if God says it, that makes it true, because God cannot and will not lie. I really like being God's son. Knowing I am the Son of the greatest and most powerful entity in the entire universe is wonderful. It makes me feel really special, and super loved.
I enjoy being God's child, don't you?
Sincerely, David A. Youngs |
Marriage of the Lamb
David A. Youngs
Love goes on
David A. Youngs
Let your LOVE shine!
David A. Youngs
5000 men
Jesus fed 5000 men (plus women and children) with five loves of home made peasant bread and 2 small fishes. We can read about this amazing miracle in Matthew 14:15-22, "And when it was evening, his disciples came to him, saying, This is a desert place, and the time is now past; send the multitude away, that they may go into the villages, and buy themselves victuals. But Jesus said unto them, They need not depart; give ye them to eat. And they say unto him, We have here but five loaves, and two fishes. He said, Bring them hither to me. And he commanded the multitude to sit down on the grass, and took the five loaves, and the two fishes, and looking up to heaven, he blessed, and brake, and gave the loaves to his disciples, and the disciples to the multitude. And they did all eat, and were filled: and they took up of the fragments that remained twelve baskets full. And they that had eaten were about five thousand men, beside women and children. And straightway Jesus constrained his disciples to get into a ship, and to go before him unto the other side, while he sent the multitudes away." This was a super miracle. Everybody had been there all day and many of them had not brought anything with them to eat. One little boy had a lunch his mother prepared for him. He was willing to share it, and then Jesus prayed, and shared it with the disciples, who shared it with the people. And when all was said and done, after all the people had eaten all they wanted, 12 baskets of fragments, of leftovers if you will, were gathered up. Where did all these people come from? Five thousand men, plus woman and children. That is a whole lot of people. Jesus did not advertise, "come to hear the gospel by the sea." There were no newspapers, or radio or television in those days. They did not have the internet with UTube to promote things. In fact, Jesus did absolutely NO advertising of any kind. These people could have all been someplace else. They had jobs. They had other things that probably needed doing. So what was it that caused them to skip work, to stop their house cleaning, to set aside all the plans for that day to go and listen to Jesus instead? I am trying to put myself right into the story. WHAT was the thing that drew these people to Jesus.What could he have possibly said or done that would make all these people from all different walks of life, from poor people to wealthy people, from the leaders to the lowliest followers come out to hear Jesus? It was the fact that Jesus LOVED them. He was talking to them about a kingdom founded on LOVE. His ideas and concepts were so startling and innovative, so mind boggling and yet compelling that these 5000 men (plus women and children) not only came to hear what Jesus said, they stayed all day. They were spell bound by what they were hearing. It made sense. It fed the deep longings of their hearts. Jesus showed them he loved them. There were entire villages where Jesus had passed through where there was not even one sick person. Jesus had healed them all. He LOVED them. He did not just TALK about love, he WALKED the walk about love. He healed them all. And here we find that the disciples were concerned. These people had been listening to Jesus all day!!! They had not gone anywhere. They could not get enough. And now it was almost night. The disciples were suddenly aware that THEY were hungry. They said, "Jesus, send the people away so they can go into the surrounding towns and villages and get something to eat." And Jesus said, "no.I have a better idea. YOU feed them." With WHAT? the disciples asked. Even if we had thousands of dollars, we can not buy a meal out here away from all the towns and villages. There are no facilities here to cook anything. How are we supposed to feed this vast multitude. There were probably at least 10,000 people there including women and children as well as the men. Imagine the expense of catering for that many people. It would have cost a fortune, if it could have even been done. I mean a simple wedding meal today costs several thousand dollars for a few hundred guests. And Jesus said, YOU feed them. One disciple said, "all we have is this one little boys sack lunch." All it is is 5 small loves and two tiny fishes. What good is that among 10,000 people? It barely will feed the boy who brought it. You have got to be kidding Jesus. Feed these people. HOW??? Then Jesus blessed that tiny bit of food and started giving it to his disciples. They started handing it out to the crowd of people. And everyone ate all they needed, and there were twelve baskets of left overs. One basket for each disciple. YES!! It was a miracle. The disciples knew it. The people knew it. The little boy who shared his lunch with Jesus knew it. Imagine the story he had to tell his mother. "Mom!! You won't believe what happened!! Jesus took that little lunch you gave me and fed over ten thousand people." Why did not Jesus send the crowds away hungry? It would have been the sensible thing to do. It was what the disciples suggested. I would suggest that he did not send them away hungry because He felt their need. He loved them. This was just a graphic illustration of God's love, of Jesus love. He was teaching everyone, including the twelve apostles, a lesson. It was a lesson that they never forgot. And now we can read about it in the bible. The reason all those people came out to hear Jesus was that he LOVED them. Sincerely, David A. Youngs |
Thursday, October 2, 2008
John the Revelator REVEALS!!
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I recently saw a video in which dolphins were happily playing with rings of air in the water. You know, God made the dolphin to enjoy playing with rings of air, silvery vortexes in the water that they can create. Isn't our God a great God!! Even the animals play and have fun. Does our God really want us to have joy and happiness?
Of course He does. He created us to enjoy our lives. One of the very first fun things that Adam got to do after he was created and then God woke him up, was to look at all the animals God created. God actually brought each animal to Adam, one by one. Of course he was fascinated by them. He could see their form and function. He could sense their total and complete enjoyment of life.
Then God gave Adam the privilege as the first man of naming all the animals. You can read it right there in Genesis 2:19, 20 "19 Now the LORD God had formed out of the ground all the beasts of the field and all the birds of the air. He brought them to the man to see what he would name them; and whatever the man called each living creature, that was its name. 20 So the man gave names to all the livestock, the birds of the air and all the beasts of the field."
Imagine if you will all the fun and incredible pleasure seeing and naming all the animals must have been for Adam. Even today we go to the zoo -- to do what? To see the animals God created, because it is a lot of fun. And we watch nature programs on television. WHY? To see the animals that God created, and marvel at their diversity. So here is Adam, and God brings all the animals to him. What an incredible time that must have been!!
"Adam," God might have said, "Look at this big animal. What do you think about this one?" And Adam would say, "Wow, it certainly does have a long neck, and look at those long, long legs. It stands so tall God. Why did you make it stand up so tall like that with such a long neck?" And God would say, "just wait a minute Adam, and you will see why." And then the animal would reach WAY up in the air and way up in a tree and eat the fruit found in the top of the tree. "Now do you see why Adam? I wanted it to be able to get the upper fruit from the trees. You can reach the lower fruit, but this long legged, long necked animal that I created can reach the fruit way up in the tops of the trees so that fruit can serve its purpose too. "Oh yes, Jesus," said Adam with a happy chuckle. "Now I understand. I think I will call this animal TOP FRUIT EATER." And Jesus laughed and said, "that is a very good name Adam. Yes. That is what we will call it. Top Fruit Eater."
Of course Top Fruit Eater in the language of heaven sounds a lot like "gee raff full" in our language which today we have shortened and compressed so when we see a Top Fruit Eater we just call them a "giraffe."
That first day of Adam's life must have been a whole lot of fun. And that was only the very first moments of his consciousness. Yes, God created all his creation to be full of Joy, of Happiness, and of Life. And the good news is that when God restores everything back to the way it is supposed to be someday soon, His creation again will be full of joy, happiness, and life. And I believe that then God will bring the zoo to us too. "Look at this animal that I have made," Jesus will say, "What do you guys think about this one?" I want to go to heaven and see God's zoo with no bars, no cages, no limitations, and the animals will live forever--don't you? Because I am pretty sure that we are really going to have a lot of fun there. Lets go...
This is David Youngs sharing a moment in God's word.
David A. Youngs