The mysterious moving bulge reacted with a startled muffled meOW! Satisfied, Shadow started to go back to sleep. But Silly Girl kept pushing and pushing. Finally Shadow relented and hopped down the tower. Silly girl pushed on forward until suddenly she thrust her head and shoulders out beyond the blanket. The blanket then draped itself along her shoulders and over her back and looked exactly like a robe that royalty would wear. Silly Girl was so proud of herself. She sat up and started looking around her new domain. My wife grabbed the camera and took several pictures of Silly Girl.
I have no idea of why Silly Rocket Girl decided to climb up the cat tower UNDERNEATH the covering blanket. It was probably one of the most weird things I have ever watched. But it was sure funny.
I hope your pets bring you as much pleasure as mine do me.
David A. Youngs
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