Tuesday, March 27, 2007

The National Allergy Supply of Antihistamines

The other day, I guess I had an asthma allergy attack that was due to cat allergy or mold allergy or perhaps even a bedding allergy. When I made my bed, the act of fluffing the covers triggered an asthma allergy attack. I had to take some allergy control products to alleviate the mold allergy attack combined with the cat dander allergy and bedding allergy. Perhaps allergy prevention would be far better than allergy treatment using allergy control products.

I have been investigating the use of allergy air filters to remove all the mold, mildew, pollen, cat dander and other allergens from the air. I borrowed a purifier that ozinates the air as well as sucking it through air filters. But I think I am allergic to to the ozone too. I have read various warnings that high concentrations of ozone can actually burn the lungs.

You might think that getting rid of the cats, and moving to a mold free desert environment is a solution. Well, I am considering moving away from all the black mold, which would eliminate the black mold allergy. But for the pet allergies, I have no solution as my wife really loves our cats. I might be able to get special allergy proof bedding which would solve the bedding allergy. But until I can impliment all these allergy prevention measures, antihistamines are my friends.

Dont get any allergy attacks,
David A. Youngs

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