Tuesday, April 24, 2007
Are viruses killing your computer?
My bro-in-law Mike (yes the same one that just had a huge cancerous thyroid gland the size of a baseball removed from his neck) has got major problems with his computers.
First of all, there are three or four of them in a row. One is for Mike, one for his wife Judy, one for their daughter Sabrina, and maybe one to keep track of the others--I am not sure.
Any way, Mike tells me that after he installed the latest MicroSoft web browser -- Internet Explorer 7 -- his computer won't recognize his keyboard or mouse any more. That makes it a challenge to actually use the computer!!
Another one of the computers is also acting strange. I think that is Sabrinas. So Judy's is the only computer that is acting normal. Sabrina likes to go all over the Internet, so I think she has several viruses or something.
Any way, Mike doesn't know what to do. He is not a computer guru. I explained to him that if things got really bad, he could simply reformat the hard drives and reinstall all the software. He did not seem to relish this idea. He will probably spend a lot of money taking the computers into a computer repair shop and having them fix them.
I did not tell him it would be cheaper to simply buy a brand new hard drive, remove the old one and just install everything from scratch. But that is true.
Of course they don't have anything backed up either.
BACK UP your hard drive
David A. Youngs
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The photograph reminds of my Dad, years ago. My Dad suffered a stroke
and he had laid in a hospital bed
(ICU). My Dad died in July 1999!!! Know yore knot eh victim of sir cum stances, David. Ewe chews too bee sick oar well inn eh world gone com pleat lee mad! Paste this link for more data: http://blog.360.yahoo.com/blog-_7DnsigzeqR9lYA4jhy8VdgfAcuoMsPYGLC_Wxq2tjSIVJw-? cq=1&l=6&u=10&mx=256&lmt=5
David... this link should bee noticed bye ewe two! LOOK! oar ewe might fore get the good thymes!
Patri… Offline Remember our friends in Yahoo! Some of them, they represent the children in America! Silence is good when I am sleeping here in a rural area! I want freedom of speech to allow America to yell!
Don't forget to view Michael Savage's site today and GOD BLESS YOU! www.michaelsavage.com *****
Thursday May 3, 2007 - 12:15pm (PDT)
Patri… Offline God bless Tammy too! One more thought before I leave for lunch! Silence is golden and wondering if American Taxpayers will receive a major trillion dollar REFUND for the failed war efforts, thanks to a Democratic Congress today! We should DEMAND a REFUND for the billions of dollars wasted by Congress and Mr. Bush. One trillion should be
refunded to all Americans in a form of a check! It better not bounce!!! ;)
Thursday May 3, 2007 - 12:27pm (PDT)
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