Mommy, mommy--I don't want to go to Europe for my summer vacation.
Shut up--and just keep swimming!
Here is another one:
Mommy, mommy--why is daddy running all over the field that way?
Shut up--and just keep shooting!
See what I mean--these are horrible jokes. Yet I can't seem to forget them no matter what I do. Blond jokes seem to fall into this category too.
How do you keep a blond busy? Give her a bag of M&Ms to alphabetize.
How do you make a blonds eyes light up? Shine a flashlight in her ear!
These are terrible jokes. Yet they are seared into my memory. The worst thing is that they aren't even really funny when you think about them.
People say that we actually remember everything we ever encounter--we just can't recall all of it. During surgery during the 1950's surgeons put tiny electrodes into patient's brains. Then they applied a very tiny voltage. A wild thing happened. Suddenly the patient was remember incidents that happened years ago in complete detail. It was like a video recorder was playing back a movie. He could see the pictures hanging on the walls in the room, the worn carpet--everything.
Some scientists are working on memory enhancers. Someday I may be able to take a pill and remember that I have a doctor's appointment tomorrow at 10:00 while at the exact same time I have scheduled a training session with the new public address person at the church because I forgot about the doctor's appointment. Hmmmm. Now if I could just be two places at once....
happy memories,
David A. Youngs
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