Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Allergies, asthma, mildow, mold and dust

Yesterday, I decided to clean out the motor home. I haven't used it as a motor home ever since I moved into this little apartment almost 3 years ago... Well, anyway, I have been using it as a kind of storage unit! But now I want to sell the motor home. So I need to clean it up. A friend,whom I will call Kelly, came to help me. We began picking up the piles of clothes I had basically left in it when I moved out.

Suddenly, I was beginning to have trouble breathing. I guess the mold, mildew, dander, pollen, dust and other allergens were being stirred up by our activity. I had to get out of the motor home immediately!! The allergies were causing me to have a super attack of asthma. I haven't had an asthma attack this bad since I was a kid (and the doctor said I would outgrow it.)

Here it is a day later. Finally I had to take antihistamines today so I could begin to breath again. Even spending all night on the CPAP machine did not clear everything up. I have been hacking and coughing up this mucous all day now. But I am finally being able to breath again. Somewhere, I read that coffee could help asthma --so I went to Dutch Brothers and got myself a mocha. I am sure the sugar was not good for me, but the caffeine did seem to help my breathing.

Breath Clean Air,
David A. Youngs

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